With Valentine’s Day approaching, what better time to tighten your tooshy and trim down your tummy!  It’s one of those special days where it’s important you’re feeling on top of your game… and willing to flash a bit of skin with confidence!!

Read on for some simple moves you can perform at work (yes, be prepared for awkward looks from colleagues) to get you headed towards a new and sexier you this Valentine’s Day!  

1) Squats are one of the best exercises you can perform to tone your legs and bum.  A squat essentially involves moving from a standing position to sitting (without the chair), and back to standing.  Start standing with your feet hip width apart, keep your weight in your heels as you bend and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel with the floor, pause for a moment and return to standing.  Your knees should stay behind your toes at any time during this movement.  For added benefit, flex your thighs as hard as possible at the top of each repetition.  This keeps tension in the muscles, working them harder.  Try to complete 25-repetitions of these in a row.

2) Static lunge- Another fantastic exercise for toning the legs and bum..  Stand with your shoulders back and feet hip width apart.  Take a big step forward making sure your feet remain hip width apart and your hips are square to the front.  You should now be standing with your front foot flat on the floor, and on the ball of your back foot (heel should be off the floor).  Maintain this position then lower your back knee towards the floor aiming to reach right angles with both legs.  Make sure your front knee does not pass over the ankle.  As you come up, push through your front heel.  Aim to complete 15 repetitions each leg.

3) Push ups off your desk- A push-up is an exercise that targets the upper body- specifically working the muscles of the chest (pectorals), shoulders (deltoids) and the back of the upper arm (triceps).  Place your hands on the edge of your desk so wider than shoulder width apart.  Make sure your fingers are slightly spread and are facing forward.  Walk your legs back so that your body is in an incline position and your body weight is balanced between your hands and feet.  Contract your stomach muscles to help keep your torso straight and begin by bending your elbows and lowering your chest towards the desk.  Once your elbows have reached 90 degrees, push off the desk and extend your arms so that you return to the starting position.  Aim to complete as many repetitions as you can manage while maintaining perfect technique.  
* Tip- The height of the surface you push up from dictates the difficulty of the exercise.  The higher the surface, the easier the exercise is to perform.  Find a surface that suits your ability.

4) Dips off your desk- Keeping your feet on the floor, sit on your desk and grip the edge.  Keep your fingers pointing the same way you are facing.  Support your body weight through your arms and walk your legs away from the body until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor (feet flat).  Keeping your body weight through your arms, lower your body straight down until your elbows are bent at 90 degrees.  From here, push through the butt of your hands and drive your body back to the start position.  Aim to complete 15 repetitions. 

5) Bonus points- Walk to work, take the stairs, walk a message to a colleague rather than email it.  Get outside during your lunch break.  It all counts and it all works!

So there you go guys, four simple exercises and a few tips to get you started.  If it has been a while since you last performed any exercise, ease into things and work at your own pace.  Additionally, if you have a current injury to a particular part of your body, check with you GP or Physio before you get started.  Have a great Valentine’s Day ;-)


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